The HSE & Integrity module's purpose is to make sure that all the threats are identified, assessed and that associated action plans are in place. The module enables users to:
Register operating anomalies in the Anomaly Register under 6 categories of threat:
For each entry, the user defines the source of the anomaly as well as the related assets and resources and the risk associated to the anomaly
Assess the criticality of each entry of the Anomaly Register based on seven consequence domains:
Each entry is placed in a Probability - Consequence risk matrix.Upon identification, each entry is evaluated to determine its Initial level of risk; a Target level of risk is then attributed by the user. The entry is followed by a Current level of risk actualized during its evolution.
Display of the risk assessment result on a risk matrix Define action plans to reach your acceptable level of risk with a schedule and budget management. Flag Safety Environmental Critical Elements with a Bow Tie assessment to focus on their integrity Have a single vision of all Anomaly Register entries with a dashboard displaying each threat and its level of risk in its Initial, Current and Target situations.
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